Commemorate with us on Orange Shirt Day!

This past Saturday, we gathered with around 200 people to honour the survivors of residential schools, their families and to remember and grieve for all the children we have lost. It was a wonderful event and we are so thankful for everyone that supported this and came out to walk with us.
I organize this walk every year in honour of my mother and my two uncles who spent more than 10 years of their childhood in residential schools with no contact with their family for that whole time. I don't know how they survived but somehow they did. I encourage you to attend an Orange Shirt event today (or really any time during the year) to commemorate as that is why this day was declared a statutory holiday. This is a day to reflect, to remember, to learn and to take action. We need to continue to bring awareness about the Indigenous issues that are the aftermath of the residential school system and work on creating positive change to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma. Many of our Indigenous people are still trying to heal from abuse, from being told that their culture and spirituality were shameful and wrong, and with having had their culture, spirituality, language and parents' love taken away from them as children. We need your help to heal and one day achieve reconciliation. We cannot do this alone. If you are wondering how you can help, we invite you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook as we often share suggestions for ReconciliAction. Today's suggestion is to participate in an Orange Shirt event. Meegwetch