
It's with a heavy heart that we start our Indigenous People's Week this year. Nevertheless, it is important to rejoice in the beauty, the diversity, the wisdom of our Indigenous cultures and not to lose hope for positive change. We...
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Envoyez une lettre a votre/vos depute(e)s federaux et provinciaux. Voici une ebauche: (écrire la date ici)  Honorable (écrire le nom de votre député-e), député ou députée (addresse) (ville et province) (code postal) Trouvez l'information de contact de votre député-e et inscrivez-la ici)...
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Oki, aba wathtec, danit’ada, tansi, hello, bonjour, relatives. Colouring it Forward, its sister nonprofit organization CIF Reconciliation Society and its board members would like to share our statement on the 215 children who were found buried in a mass grave...
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Would you like to do something to help make change and to honour the 215 missing children uncovered in Kamloops and now in Manitoba? Consider one of the following: 1. Add a frame to your Facebook picture by editing your pic...
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I want to thank all of the people who helped me to get the EquinoxBox subscription gift box project started so successfully.
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